The lads from Snape Constructions confidence and First Aid Skills are growing. Practicing first aid in a fun and enjoyable way will hopefully improve their skills and watching themselves on video has given them the opportunity to notice and rectify mistakes. From no...
Members of BattleSports Glos based in Longhope outside of Gloucester have gained excellent resultās in their recent first aid training. First Aid and Trauma Training have been working with the military skills and laser gaming company to ensure all of their staff...
Sportbeat Festival over the weekend and then Expedition Leader and first aid cover in the Brecon Beacons, Wales this week with Cirencester College, the weather started great but slowly descended into a terrible thunder lightening and hail storm which meant we had to...
First Aid and Trauma Training have had a great day but busy at the Sportsbeat Festival in Gloucester, and Preston from the ordinary boys popped by to have his finger looked at. All sorted! Many thanks to the Sportbeat team for having us on board to provide the Event...
One of my more senior First Aid at Work groups at Lonsdale Church today deep in thought whilst doing their final test. It has got me thinking about some of the mobility problems that are experienced by older people trying to perform first aid. For instance, their...
I had a lovely card delivered today, to thank me for some first aid training I recently delivered, it was made even more special by the fact that a lady’s young daughter was suffering a condition that she was unaware of before the first aid session. This card...
Staff members from Steve Gooch Estate Agents from Gloucestershire have been learning basic first aid in order to ensure they are able to provide an even better service to their customers. 16 staff members of varying abilities of experience descended onto the cricket...